Deb Eerkes
Deb Eerkes

Director of Student Conduct and Accountability | Discipline Officer
University of Alberta

In Deb Eerkes’ role at the university she addresses both academic and nonacademic student misconduct. In that capacity she has combined a number of preventative programs and the use of educational sanctions to form a proactive approach to student discipline issues. In 2011 she designed and implemented a restorative justice program in University of Alberta Residences and is currently Chair of the RJ Training Team. In 2015, she co-chaired a review of the University of Alberta’s response to sexual assault (report released in 2016). In addition, she led the development of the University’s Sexual Violence Policy Suite (approved in June 2017) and a working group on using restorative initiatives in the context of sexual violence at the University of Alberta (report released in 2018).